LaToia Williams-Simon

Attorney at Law


Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Louisiana State University and received her Juris Doctor from UDC- School of Law in Washington, DC.


LaToia’s areas of expertise include: Criminal Defense, Civil Law,

Contracts and Entertainment Law. She is thorough and scrappy, prepared

and willing to fight for her clients. Aside from private practice, LaToia is

also committed to indigent defense, serving as a trial attorney with the 21 st

JDC Public Defender’s Office handling major felony cases and life without

parole cases.

LaToia is a Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at

Southern University Law Center and the Owner of Club 81, Inc., a nightclub

in Tangipahoa, LA. The connections she has made in the music industry

through her nightclub assist her in practice of Contract and Entertainment Law.


LaToia gives her time to speak to the community and its

youth about their constitutional rights and how to survive police encounters.


LaToia is married to Justin Simon and together they have two

beautiful daughters. She has made Southern Louisiana her home and is

proud to serve through fearless and zealous representation.


WLP is a family-owned and operated law firm that prides itself on client-centered representation. We offer a vast area of practice, in house mediator, Spanish/English translation services, and notary services. Read More...

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(985) 247-4984

(877) 697-4898

59649 Guzzardo Lane – Ste B

Amite, LA 70433

© Williams Law Practice LLC 2005-2025