Vanessa R. Williams

Attorney at Law

Founder of Williams Law Practice


She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Middle Tennessee State University and received her Juris Doctor from UDC-School of Law in Washington, DC. She is licensed to practice law in Maryland and Louisiana and actively practices in Louisiana.


Vanessa’s areas of expertise include Family Law, Criminal Defense and Personal Injury. She is resolution-oriented and always seeks the best

outcome for her clients. However, when the time comes for trail, she’s just the sort of no-nonsense fighter you need to stand up for you. Additionally, Vanessa is a Trial Attorney for the 21 st JDC Public Defender’s Office, handling major felonies and life without parole cases.


As an adjunct professor at Southern University Law Center of Legal Research, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Vanessa brings her wealth of knowledge to the classroom.

She also donates her time to her community by speaking about pressing family, criminal and social issues.


Vanessa has two children and two granddaughters. She has made South Louisiana her home and is proud to serve through fearless and zealous representation.


WLP is a family-owned and operated law firm that prides itself on client-centered representation. We offer a vast area of practice, in house mediator, Spanish/English translation services, and notary services. Read More...

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(985) 247-4984

(877) 697-4898

59649 Guzzardo Lane – Ste B

Amite, LA 70433

© Williams Law Practice LLC 2005-2025